PEI Trail Riders Sea View

Sea View, Queens County

Who We Are

PEI Trail Riders was established in 2021 as a non-profit society and a member group of Island Horse Council. We are dedicated to preserving and promoting equestrian access to public land; to maintaining and preserving existing equine-accessible trails on PEI; to building new equestrian-accessible trails; to working with recreational groups, government agencies, and the general public to foster cooperative trail use; and to promoting education about trail safety, trail courtesy, environmental stewardship, and safe sharing of PEI roadways.

Sounds pretty serious, right? While we ARE very serious about the issue of equestrian access to trails, we are also a group of people who just love being out on the trail with our horses. Members will enjoy the camaraderie of new friends at club rides, events, clinics and work bees. Our club promotes the sharing of routes - especially geo-referenced tracks - with fellow riders, helping you to discover trails near you. Join PEI Trail Riders, and you will find yourself with a whole new network of fellow trail-riding enthusiasts. Click on Membership to join.

Click on Projects for updates on our work at Forest Hills, the Confederation Trail (including equestrian access in 2022), and sharing ATV trails. Click on Resources for links to information on road safety, shared use trails, trail riding tips, and more. Click on the Road Safety tab below to submit a Road Incident Report.

Read more about PEI Trail Riders

PEI Trail Riders Burlington

Equestrians have been seeking access to safe, publicly accessible trails on Prince Edward Island for decades. 

PEI Trail Riders Whitlocks Pond

PEI Trail Riders has a mandate to protect existing equestrian trails on Prince Edward Island, to build new trail systems, and to lobby for equestrian access to multi-user trails.

PEI Trail Riders schoolbus
Road Safety

Only 12% of PEI land is classified as public, and equestrians currently have limited access to off-road trails. 

Get in touch

Board of Directors:

Donna Lee Cole, President
Chantal Lynch, Vice-president
Sylvia Hall Andrews, Secretary/Interprovincial Trails Rep
Heather MacLeod, Treasurer
Janice MacSwain, Director
Jennie Pirch, Director
Karen Schoenrank, Director
Aleida Tweten, Director

For general inquiries, please drop us a line at:

For membership inquiries, please email:

Click here to submit a Road Incident Report, and for more information click on the Road Safety tab above.

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