Collaborating on trail maintenance on a trail system on public land: Back Country Horsemen of British Columbia (Central Vancouver Island chapter) and the Mid-Island ATV Club.
Across Canada, ATV enthusiasts frequently share trails with horseback riders (including, in some areas, sections of the Trans Canada Trail that allow motorized use). Where a spirit of partnership and cooperation exists, ATV and equestrian user groups are able to collaborate on trail maintenance and on education of all user groups regarding the importance of trail safety and etiquette.
The PEI ATV Federation has, over the past decade, forged relationships with landowners across the province in order to establish a managed, permit-based system of trails so that their members may enjoy safe off-road recreation. Equestrian users are currently not permitted on these ATV trails (which exist largely on private land) because the permissions granted by over 600 individual landowners are specific to ATV use.
The ATV Federation is very supportive of the concept of sharing its trails with equestrian users, and has worked hard to educate its members regarding safe interactions with horses. In meetings with members of the Trail Committee, representatives have expressed their support for allowing equestrian access to their trails. At our PEITR 2024 AGM, our guest speaker, ATV Federation President Jody Jackson, emphasized this support.
As a matter of courtesy, we ask that if you wish to ride your local ATV trails, we recommend as a matter of courtesy, you contact your local chapter to obtain pertinent information regarding trail suitability, and to ensure that your riding plan is both safe and appropriate to the conditions.
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